My holistic Health and Life programs cover physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, nutrition, exercise, stress, and time management. Participants receive personalized coaching, educational materials, and support to develop healthy habits that ensure long-term success. My programs empower participants to take control of their life, make positive changes, and achieve balance and fulfillment.
90 Day Total Transformation Program
Advance toward your ideal life within a 90-day timeframe. This program is based on the principles of goal setting, personal development, and daily habits that lead to success.
This program includes personalized assessments experiential exercises, weekly coaching calls, goal setting and the accountability necesary to meet the unique needs of each participant.
Shift your Life to Positive
Don't let your saboteurs run your life, learn to identify them and shift from their negative hold to the positive sage hold. This is a seven week journey in Positive Intelligence, the practice of which will help you increase your performance, passion and joy in life.
This program includes 6 weeks of app guided content with and one weekly group coaching call. Plus the opportunity to continue on the app for a whole year